Humans are addicted to technology persuasive speech

 Topic: Humans are addicted to technology

General Purpose:  To persuade.

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that Humans are addicted to technology.

Humans are addicted to technology


Attention Getter:  Various scientific research studies have proven that using more technology affects our brain and cognitive health. The more technology you use, the more neurological changes you will experience. 

Reason to Listen: Excessive use of technology makes humans lazy, and human creativity diminishes. Humans thus become dependent on technology.

Credibility Statement:  The use of technology has made people's lives easier. But as a result of using more technology, people become dependent on technology. As a result, people do not have their natural efficiency. I have been researching the impact of technology and human for a long time, and now I feel that technology plays a significant role in the human mind.

Thesis Statement: Although, Humans are addicted to technology need to discuss this issue with everyone and understand the matter. 

Preview of Main Points: 

  • First, I will describe why Humans are addicted to technology.
  • Then, I will give some examples of humans addicted to technology.
  • Finally, I will present a differentiating explanation of why Humans are addicted to technology. 


Humans can learn much through technology and acquire knowledge by knowing new information. Again through technology, the complex life of people has become more accessible. There were many types of complex tasks that humans could not solve that have been solved through technology. Communication is being done very quickly through technology. As a result, many types of benefits are available through technology.


On the other hand, like all kinds of addiction, technology addiction also has a deadly effect on the human brand. For example, my father was away from technology during his 60 years of life. He has not used any modern technology so far. But recently, he has been watching YouTube and Facebook videos on his mobile phone. Interestingly, now he cannot go a day without using this technology. If they don't get the opportunity, then he gets upset. Although he had not used this technology before, he would not have felt any problem or lack of feeling.

Excessive use of technology, we are developing a new type of addiction called technology addiction. Technology addiction is when a person spends a lot of time using technology without controlling his time. 

The use of technology has both advantages and disadvantages. First, we will see whether we benefit from using technology. If we benefit from using technology, then we will use technology. This is vital because you should take other action if utilizing technology doesn't help you.

Technology addiction can take many forms. Someone may become lazy as a result of using technology. Some spend more time playing games. Others waste time using social media. Regardless of the technology addiction, you need to identify and understand what kind of problem you are having. And then Identify and take action to resolve.


Review of main points:

  • Excessive use of technology can make people lose their inner talent.
  • Excessive use of technology results in the loss of valuable time.
  • Again, by using technology on a limited scale, knowledge can also be gained through this.

Restate Thesis:  One can benefit by using the right technology at the right time in one's necessary work, but if more technology is used, the human becomes technology addicted.

Closure: I have tried to show how Humans are addicted to technology. After knowing these things, I hope you understand why Humans are addicted to technology.

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