Examples of written paragraphs - Descriptive Paragraph, Process Paragraph and Narrative Paragraph

 A Tragic Moment Narrative ParagraphHow to Take Care of a Best Friend Process Paragraph and A Neighbor Descriptive Paragraph are Examples of written paragraphs.

Examples of written paragraphs

I will try to teach you how to write paragraphs through this article. In this tutorial, we will learn to write three types of paragraphs. For example, I will discuss how to write Narrative Paragraph, how to write a Process Paragraph, and how to write a Descriptive Paragraph.

Narrative Paragraph

A narrative paragraph is an elaboration of an event. Writing a narrative paragraph is like a story. Narrative paragraphs are written using the past tense. This is because you have to write a narrative paragraph by writing a story or an event from the past. An example of a narrative paragraph is given in the following paragraph.

A Tragic Moment

 I had to suffer a bad situation when I went to the village by bike. In the beginning, I crossed Mawa Road by bike and came to the Shimulia Padma Ghat. When I reached the Ghat, I heard that all the ferries were closed. However, I crossed the Padma by ferry after 2 o'clock at night. I started the journey again in the dark of night, and suddenly the police caught me. Since I was alone on the bike and I was very scared, the police suspected that my bike might be a stolen bike. Even after I showed all the papers, the police claimed that these papers were fake. They took me to the police station. The police had to treat me like an accused. A few hours later, my family came to the police station. Later, the police realized their mistake and released me. After that, I did not travel by bike anymore. In summary, it was a tragic moment that led me to the police station.


Process Paragraph

Process paragraph is the process of creating something by writing a paragraph. The following paragraph is a process paragraph and this paragraph is to be written using the present tense.

How to Take Care of a Best Friend 

You can easily take care of your best friend by using five basic steps. If you want to have a good relationship with your best friend, you must take care of your best friend so that you can be close and trustworthy with each other. First, you need to keep in touch with your best friend on a regular basis to make it seem to your friend that you give your friend the highest priority. The second step is to remember your friend's birthday so that you can send his birthday wishes. Next, you appreciate the excellent work of your best friend that makes your friend feel loyal to you. For the fourth step, you give your best friend support and encouragement in bad times. Finally, you spend some time with your best friend. When you spend time with your friend, you become your friend's favorite person. In short, if you follow the above five steps, then you can easily take care of your best friend. 

Descriptive Paragraph

A descriptive paragraph is a detailed text on a subject. That subject is highlighted in more detail. A Neighbor is a descriptive paragraph

 A Neighbor 

 Shakib is a person who takes care of his neighbors and looks very beautiful. Shakib is about 5.6 feet tall, he looks very handsome, and he can talk to people nicely. However, he has a good relationship with his neighbor and tries to keep everyone happy. As a result, all the neighbors are satisfied with his friendly demeanor, and everyone likes him. Again, Shakib likes to travel, so he requests everyone to travel with him. He is a man who has very little to think about his life, but he believes it is a pleasure to be happy with all the neighbors. Although he can entertain many people, no one is depressed when he hangs out with them. Everyone enjoys spending time with him because he is always entertaining. He is a man who can easily select his favorite food when he travels and the food he eats at any cost. In conclusion, Shakib is a man who specializes in traveling, dining, and entertaining everyone.

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