Summer vs winter which is better Essay

Summer vs winter which is better Essay


Summer and winter are two types of sessions. Summer sessions make everyone feel very hot, and winter sessions make everyone feel very cold. When these two sessions I will compare, the winter session will be ahead, which will be better.

Winter Session A long night is available for sleep. A good night's sleep can compensate for the tiredness of the day. Again a perfect night's sleep due to being very cold. Enough work can be done during the day to get a good night's sleep. On the other hand, the summer session has a short range of nights. And because of the hot weather, many do not sleep well. Moreover, excessive heat throughout the night makes you feel restless due to sweating.

Winter session rain falls very little. Due to this, the road is always right, and people get peace by moving. This session has low sun intensity so that vitamin D can be quickly taken from the sun. On the other hand, the summer session is very rainy. Due to this, the road becomes muddy. Everyone has a problem moving on the road. The intensity of the sun is a lot. That is why there is a problem in the work of ordinary people in intense heat.

Winter Session takes fewer mosquitoes. That is why people can sleep in peace. Adult mosquitoes die in severe winters. On the other hand, many mosquitoes breed in the summer session. That is why many mosquitoes attack people on hot days.

Although the winter and summer two sessions are suitable for people, the winter session is better. Because there is a winter session, a long night, very little rain, and fewer mosquitoes

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